Will Mobile VoIP Take Over the Market of Mobile Calling?

When making VoIP calls, the user is basically sending his voice signals through the internet using either WiFi or mobile data.

In order to make VoIP calls from a mobile, users will need to download a mobile dialer or soft phone. This can either be done through setting up a contract with a VoIP provider or by purchasing a mobile VoIP app – these can either be free of bought for a small initial fee. Some apps offer free calling to all users on the same network and charge for out-of-network calls, some apps will allow its users to make free VoIP calls to any number and some apps charge a small amount for every call made. There are many mobile VoIP apps on the market including those for android, iOS, Windows PC, Windows phone, Mac and Blackberry.

Plans and apps charge different rates but the call quality can also differ, so it is important to check out both the prices and quality.

Many people have a VoIP plan for their home and some providers allow their clients to have an extension from their home plan to their mobiles. This means that if a user has unlimited free calls from their VoIP home plan it will also be free to call from mobiles.

Mobile VoIP can be used by businesses, personal use, business travellers and tourists. Everyone can benefit from VoIP!


Mobile VoIP has been around for years, but it was hard to get reliable internet connections in order to keep the calls going. In the last years both mobile data and WiFi networks have improved dramatically and have become a lot faster, this has made mobile VoIP more popular.


• The main advantage of mobile VoIP is obviously the price. Regular mobile phone plan providers can charge a lot of money for calling abroad – VoIP calls to the same destination are a fraction of the price. With a VoIP plan or app you can make free or very cheap calls worldwide.

Mobile phone users can choose to get a data-only plan from their regular mobile plan provider and use only VoIP for calling using that data. If using WiFi instead of mobile data, the costs of using VoIP are even less.

Also businesses will save money by using VoIP, when employees are all in different locations, using VoIP to call from their mobiles will be much cheaper than regular phone plans.People can also choose the switch between their regular phone plan and VoIP – use the regular plan for local calls and VoIP for international calls as these are more expensive.

• For people travelling mobile VoIP has an added advantage; regular phone plan providers charge a lot of money for making calls when abroad – with mobile VoIP, it doesn’t make a difference where the caller is calling from, it will be the same price and there is no roaming charge either.

• When calling with VoIP the signals will usually get sent over to the recipient faster than with a regular phone call. This is because the IP technology will send the data using the fastest route available.

• Many mobile VoIP providers have additional features which are part of the plan that don’t come with regular mobile phone plans. These can include video calling, group calling, sharing location and others and these features are all updated regularly.


The quality of VoIP is improving all the time. As the VoIP market grows, the regular phone plan providers will have to upgrade their services as well or they will fall behind. They will need to add novel features and functionality which will make people value their service more than the lower cost of VoIP.

More and more people are buying smartphones as they have realised what the benefits of VoIP calling are over the use of regular phone plans.

The use of mobile data has also gone up as people are using data for calling. Many regular mobile phone companies have stopped offering unlimited data plans as they don’t want their clients to use that much data for calling.

Many phones these days have a dual-mode functionality. These means that the phone will automatically switch from WiFi to mobile data and back depending on what has the best internet signal. This has made VoIP calling a lot better as when someone is on the move while on a call, they won’t be interrupted by a lack of internet signal.

The amount of VoIP providers and mobile VoIP apps available for mobile VoIP is growing constantly and many of those companies are doing very well. This shows that people are interested in using VoIP and VoIP is here to stay.

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